
a glass box, not a black box

As a client we think you are entitled to know everything we do…

So we inform you of every name we generate,every contact we make,

  • every person we screen,
  • every salary we check,
  • every candidate we interview,
  • every CV we receive,
  • every single piece of market gossip we hear about your organisation

In other words, you get the entire longlist, weekly progress reports, market intelligence, salary information, our opinions and suggestions throughout the process. How’s that for feedback?

  • You want to change the search? - No problem
  • You want to widen the criteria? - No problem
  • You want a benchmark candidate first? - No problem
  • You have to pause the search? - No problem
  • You’d like to ask us to approach more senior people because an internal move means that the position we’re hiring for is filled but a more senior level is open? - No problem